A note about blog entries: When you write a new post, be sure to put a title in the "Title" space, above the box where you compose your post. If there's no title in the Title space, people who subscribe to your blog via RSS will see a blank space where the headline should be. So, when you next log into your blog, check to make sure each post has a title.
To see a little video of how to add a title to a post after the post has been published, take a look at this screencast.
And now, on with the list...
Adam's Fun with Photoshop
Almost Always Happy
Analog Divide
Baking Lady
BG Baker
Biblio Blogarama
Boggled Mind Too
Book Diva Land
Book Marks
Cabbages & Kings
Cheryl's Posts [deleted by author]
Chick n Acq
Circulation Queen
CIRCus Animal [deleted by author]
CL Blog
Corner View
Dark Chocolate
Dave's Raves
Debbie's Blog
Doozen's Blog
Dr. Kiko [deleted by author]
Epistelesslogical Rupture
Flying Keyboard
FortyPlus Foray
Free Fish
Garlic Eaters Anonymous
George Loves Carlotta
Gin's Bin
Golfbug Rose
Granny Corbett
Gudrun's Blog
Gus's Blog Bus
HR Assistant
I'll Keep You in Stitches
Jim's 10 Things Blog
Jo's World of Learning
Karen's Best YS Blog Ever
Kate's Blog
Louise's Blog
Lover of Truthiness
Luba Wonderland
Mandy's Blah Blah Blog!
Marked Words
Matt's Musings
McGraths [deleted by author]
Me and Charlie
Mibrarian [deleted by author]
Mousing Around
Of Cows and Libraries
Os Tres Gatos
PaG's Library Blog
Pam-Kicking and Screaming
Political Perspectives
Ramblings of Talky Tina
Ricki's Picks
Rip Snorten
Risk to Blossom
Rocking and Reading with Babies
Rod Serling Fan
Roll Along Blog
Rusty Trustee
Sage Susan's Stutter Steps
Second City
Sheila's Blog [deleted by author]
Sir Read a Lot
So You Really Want to Know?
Terry's Point
This Blog Seriously Rocks
This is Not Your Blog
This, That & Thoughts on Things
Utopian Library
Watchu Tinkin?
Hey, for staff members not wanting to remain anonymous, could we get the name of the person associated with each staff blog? Some are not so obvious esp. if you don't know the person. Just a thought.
Hey Chris.
Yes, it would be helpful if we had a list that matched names with blogs. But that would be waaay to easy! The "About Me" section of each blog is the perfect space for staff to identify themselves. It's also be perfectly fine (and fun) to post a comment on a blog asking its author to share a little bit about him/herself (including a first name, or at least a hint).
Part of the 10 Things journey is to learn through our experience and questions (e.g., "Who's blog IS this?") by engaging in conversation and social networking.
That may not be the answer you want, but it's the answer we're giving! There will be no list :-)
okay :(
For anyone who might view this blog. Why do staff not put real names on their blogs? I can understand it if you're "out" in the blogosphere, commenting on lots of different topics. But this is for our library project. I personally don't want to comment to a nameless (therefore meaningless) blogger.
I know you responded to Chris' comment - just wanted to voice my feelings.
Thanks for your comment, Camille. You make a very good point about namelessness and anonymity being a potential barrier to conversation. Anonymous bloggery could easily be interpreted as lacking credibility. Heck, we work in a library and encourage our patrons to use only credible sources. It's natural for us to expect that same credibility from blog authors.
Although the 10 Things is a library excercise, staff blogs are public in the blogosphere. Some people might not want to use their names and others are fine with disclosing their identity. It's up to the blog author whether s/he wants to use a true name. It's perfectly appropriate (and encouraged!) to ask the author's name in a comment if you want to know more about him/her.
Also, a blog name might not include any reference to its author, but posts and comments are "signed" with the user's Blogger name. For example, my comment here will be signed "the skokie ten" because that is the name associated with the account I am currently using. When I use my personal Blogger account, my comments are signed "Ruth." I've seen some staff blogs with playful titles and recognizable author names.
Thanks again for jumping in with your comment, Camille!
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